What is a stretch mark?
A stretch mark or striae is a type of linear, curved or horizontal scar that develops when our skin expands or shrinks quickly. The abrupt change causes the rupture of collagen and elastin fibres in our skin. These fibres support and maintain the firmness and elasticity of our skin. When these are broken down, they result in stretch marks.
If the person gains height, the stretch marks that appear are horizontal. If the person gains weight, the stretch marks appear are vertical i.e. perpendicular to the direction of stretching.
When do stretch marks appear?
Stretch marks may develop during-
- Growth spurts that happen in puberty
- Pregnancy
- Rapid weight loss or gain
- Rapid muscle growth during weight training in gymnasiums
Stretch marks can show different colours depending on the age of the scar. The early stretch marks may appear red and the late stretch marks may be white.
What is the treatment of stretch marks?
Commercial stretch mark creams and lotions available in the market have very little effect on the appearance of stretch marks.
The medicinal creams may help in reducing the appearance of stretch marks. Creams containing vitamin C, Hyaluronic acid and glycolic acid may help in the reduction of stretch marks. These may help to boost the collagen fibres, stimulates its synthesis and strengthen the upper layers of skin.
One may need months of treatment to see visible improvement in their stretch marks.
What are the treatment options available for stretch marks?
There are various procedures which can help to improve the stretch marks.
- Laser therapy
- Microneedling or dermaroller
- Microneedling Radiofrequency
Non-surgical treatments such as micro-needling, micro-needling radiofrequency and lasers are far more effective in getting rid of stretch marks than lotions and cream